Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary on Friday's Quiz

The quiz this Friday is 18 questions and multiple-choice/matching.

You are allowed to create a "cheat sheet" for the quiz: just write the 5 words you are having the most trouble with and their definitions on an index card.  You may use that index card on the quiz.

acclimate:  adapt or get used to
accountable: held responsible for something, having to explain or justify something
adrift: lacking aim or direction
antidote: a remedy (a cure for a poison, but also metaphorically something that can fix a situation).
buffer: a shield or cushion used as protection
emerge: to come into existence or arise
ill suited: inappropriate, not correct
ingrained: firmly fixed or established
inoculate:  to protect someone from a disease by introducing it into his system (metaphorically, to protect someone from harm by getting them used to something little by little)
lackadaisical: without interest, lazy, indolent
manifestation: an outward indication, expression, or symptom of something
optimal: most favorable, BEST
physiological: having to do with the physical body (chemical and biological processes)
predisposed: having a prior inclination or tendency
proliferate: to increase and spread (often excessively)
propensity: an inclination or tendency
recurring: happening over and over again
underwhelming: making no positive impact, disappointing
unflappable: not easily upset or confused; imperturbable; calm in crisis
unnerved: deprived of courage, strength, determination
concur (v.): to agree with
to endeavor (v.): to attempt to do something
solitary (a.): lacking companionship, alone
brutish (a.): beastly, animalistic
idle (a.):  (1) not active (2) pointless
savage (n.): member of an uncivilized people
diffidence (n.): lack of self-confidence
awe (n.): feeling of great respect mixed with fear or wonder
sentiment (n.): feeling or emotion
subsist (v.): to support oneself at a very basic level
affliction (n.): state of great suffering
perpetual (a.): never ending
excess (a.): exceeding the necessary amount of something (too much)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


If you misplaced your syllabus (which should be signed by tomorrow, Wednesday 9/18), you can find it here.  This is also where the list of supplies is (and supplies are also due tomorrow!).

Monday, September 9, 2013

Student Survey

Please fill out this student survey by the end of this week.  NOTE:  This is the same survey as the one on Eboard/for Ms. Cinquegrana's class, so if you already did this once, don't to it again.  Thanks!