Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Literary Elements HW

Sorry! Somehow I saved this as a draft, rather than actually posting it.  Therefore, I'll just make it officially due Thursday, November 21st.

Do ONE of these two options:

Create a fun graphic that conveys each of the six elements

  • This could be a typical plot diagram (above), or something more creative.
  • For each element, provide a quote from the text that demonstrates it.
Color code “The Veldt”

  • Have a different color for each of the six elements and color or draw a line around the part of the text that corresponds to the element.
  • Next to each color-coded section, thoroughly annotate why the author may have chosen to convey the element the way he did OR the effect of the author’s writing on the reader.

Here are the notes on literary elements, in case you missed any in class:

  • Exposition: When the author sets up the story by introducing the setting and characters.
  • Characterization: When the author reveals the emotional, physical, personality-related characteristics of the people (characters) in the story.
  • Conflict:  This is the problem or problems presented in the story.  
  • Rising Action: When the conflict gains steam and suspense. When tension or excitement begin to build.
  • Climax: This is where the conflict explodes; whatever the problem was, it is front and center at this point in the story.  The outcome of the climax is usually what leads to the resolution.
  • Resolution:  This is how the conflict “ends up.” It doesn’t mean the problem needed to be solved: it could be that the resolution is that there IS no resolution. Or it could be that the characters live happily ever after… or die (like in the story we just read!).

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