Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do your parents let you win?

This is an interesting article I came across in the NY Times.  Check it out!

Is it better to teach children tough life lessons, like the thrill of victory is sweeter if you have known the agony of defeat? Or is it better simply to let a child win?


  1. This is interesting!My parents never let me win, and when I'm at gymnastics, my coaches have never gone easy on me. I think that its stupid when parents always let their kids win, because then they often end up being very sore losers. To be competitive, not only in sports, but in other things too, you have to learn to lose, and understand that you have to try hard to win, and you wont always be victorious. If parents always let their kids win and go easily on them, they will never learn that to really win, you have to really try.

  2. I disagree, how would someone have high self esteem and think highly of themselves if no one ever lets them win
