- 12 pt Times New Roman (EVERYTHING should be this size and font)
- Poems single-spaced (with an extra space between each stanza)
- Prose double-spaced
- Final submission does not need to be a full 2 pages long (you can cut out material as you revise)
- A thoughtful and interesting title!
- Do not include the prompt at the top of the page. You need to make your ideas evident to the reader without writing the prompt out.
- At the top of the page, write your full name
- At the top of the page, also write the category your piece fits into (see below)
- PERFECT spelling and grammar
How to submit
- Print out a hard copy – print on only one side of the paper (so no double-sided printing) and DO NOT staple.
- Paperclip to your hard copy any art you would like to submit with your piece
- Email your piece to
- The subject of the email should be the category of your piece
- Copy and paste your submission into the body of the email
- ALSO attach the document to your email (the document name should be your last name only)
- Scan any artwork and attach it to your email
- Research/Philosopher
- Love
- Religion/God
- Want vs. Need
- Making judgments/prejudice
- Literary (about a book)
- Pop Culture/Current Events
- 24 hours/death
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Jealousy
- Obedience/Fear
- Hope